Check the operating environment
The operating environment of this site is listed below.
Please note that the operating environment may be different depending on statistical surveys, so please be sure to check the use guide etc. of each statistical survey before using this site.
■ When answering "HTML questionnaire" or "Excel questionnaire
OS Browser Spreadsheet software(*2)
(Only when you're using an Excel questionnaire.)Windows 11(*1) Firefox 134
Google Chrome 132
Microsoft Edge 131Excel for Microsoft 365
Microsoft Office Excel 2021
Microsoft Office Excel 2019
Microsoft Office Excel 2016Windows 10(*1) macOS 15.2 Safari 18 - (*1)Please use "desktop mode" only.
(*2)Notes on spreadsheet software are as follows.
・Only Microsoft Office Excel is supported.
・The available version is different depending on statistical surveys.
・For Excel questionnaires that incorporate macro functionality, you need to enable macro functionality.
Also, even if Excel's macro function is enabled, you may not be able to send an answer* depending
on your System environment.
*: For example, it may be assumed that a virtual browser is adopted in the corporate network. -
Smart phone tablet
Android 14 Google Chrome 131 iOS 18.2 Safari 18 - Only for "HTML questionnaire."
PDF questionnaires and Excel questionnaires cannot be used. - Even if you used the above-mentioned OS and browser, some operations may not work depending on the terminals.
In that case please use it on the PC.
*Check your environment.
- Only for "HTML questionnaire."
The communication environment
- The broadband environment society is recommended.
* The file size of an electronic questionnaire is different depending on statistical surveys, but there is also something which exceeds 1MB.
- The broadband environment society is recommended.
Smart phone tablet
- Use by fixed charge service or the Wi-fi environment is recommended.
* The file size of an electronic questionnaire is different depending on statistical surveys, but there is also something which exceeds 1MB. - This system doesn't sometimes work right under the bad communication environment.
- Use by fixed charge service or the Wi-fi environment is recommended.